Saturday, March 05, 2022


Oh, Phyllis, how can I thank you enough for “mouse”! I used it this morning, along with “train”, and got Wordle in four – before breakfast. It was a good start to the day: self-respect restored after those two losses.


The day went well in other respects. Daniela came in the afternoon again, and we walked then – and today the sun shone. She’ll revert to mornings next week, which suits me better.


I made good progress with the second sleeve of the Aroon jacket:


It will need a contrast edging for the fronts and neck, when this sleeve is finished, but I still feel that I’m on the homeward slope. I ordered a new Katcha Katcha. It arrived this afternoon, after my walk, while I was knitting away. Sleeves are decreased at the underarm on every fifth round, and up until now I had been keeping track with papetr and pencil. The Katcha Katcha is much better: I can record the knitting of another round without letting go of the work.


Rachel rang up from London. We haven’t spoken for a while, due to my telephone problems. She sounded upbeat (she always does) but her elder son Thomas is in hospital with cellulitis. He is the father of three of the London great-granddaughters. The hospital isn’t allowing any visitors because of Covid. It sounds as if they are getting on top of the cellulitis, which is what matters. It’s not a trivial complaint.


I have been working on sit-to-stands with Strong Women Stay Young in mind. There is only one suitable chair here, and it is unfortunately the one that Perdita often sleeps on. She was there this morning, and I didn’t get to use the chair until late afternoon, when I could only manage one. Yesterday I nipped in early and did three. (In the days f my personal trainer, two or three years ago, I could do five with fair ease.) The book says to fold your arms across your chest. I can’t do that – mine flap about to the sides, but at least I don’t use them to push. That’s important. I’ll keep at it.


  1. Good for you for keeping at it. Every little bit helps! Thank you for the sweater photo, it is looking lovely

  2. I love the bright yellow contrast in the Aroon! What a cheerful jacket for a baby.
    Keep up the good work with exercise...especially the sit-to-stand. And I understand about Perdita's chair. We had one chair our cat claimed. If we moved her off she was like a shark circling the chair until we relinquished it.

  3. =Tamar3:23 AM

    Thank you for the tip on the sit-to-stand.
    Hoping Thomas is cured soon.

  4. Thanks to whoever had recommended Strong Women Stay Young - I have purchased that and Drop Dead Easy Knits.

    A couple of other Wordle starter words: steal, weary, least, minus.
