Sunday, March 13, 2022


I got Wordle in three. That’s better. My two starter words yielded one green and two brown tiles. I didn’t let myself enter another word until I had thought of one that filled all the requirements – the green in its place, the two browns not in their original places, and no use made of any of the seven common letters I had eliminated. It took me a while to think of a word that qualified, but when I did it worked a treat.


And it’s been a pretty good day otherwise. C. and I got around the garden. That’s five days in a row. I advanced the Baby Surprise. I decided that, since I was worried about not having enough yarn, I would knit on until each of the five balls was completely used, even if it meant – as it almost inevitably would – attaching a new yarn on the wrong side. Then I began to entertain the opposite worry – what if I have an abundance of yarn, and this system means that all the colours won’t get used?


Well, in that case I’ll know before the end and the final balls can make smaller contributions. Today I finished the first ball. I’m glad I’ve got Cully’s book: after all these years of knitting it blind and bewildered, it’s nice to know where I am. There are quite a few little differences between this original pattern and the one I have been using, although the only one so far is a bit of fulness at the wrist.

I still haven't sewn those buttons onto the Aroon jacket.


This week’s Cowal Peninsula essay is a bit tendentious, to my taste. It’s not by Kate herself.


I’ve had the monthly preliminary announcement from Amazon that cider will be delivered not this week but next. That means I’ll have some on Mother’s Day which is a nice touch on God’s part. (Mother’s Day in Britain is mid-Lent Sunday, so it moves around the calendar like Easter itself.) But if I want some on Easter, I’ll have to put a bottle or two aside, because the April delivery won't be here by then. I’m quite pleased with my system. It gives me something to look forward to, which diminishes the pangs of temptation.



  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Wordle: yes, Jean, that methodical approach you outline is the way I usually get it in three or four tries (three today) - but five or six when we run into those many-possible-fifth-letter times. Cast on for socks for me last night while watching TV. Colourful sock yarns make me happy. My sock rule is a pair for him, a pair for me. This time, a second pair in a stash Trail Sock Yarn from the Fleece Artist here in Canada, a bright red-orange-blue-yellow-mix (discontinued, it seems). Good for our current snowy, blustery March days, light relief from a vest for the husband which I need to haul out to diagnose and correct a mistake.

  2. I got it in three but was lucky. I have taken out a repeat of the Pressed Flowers shawl rather than drop down and fix it. I thought "It's only a few rows." Forgetting how many stitches there are in a triangular shawl about half-way through!

  3. =Tamar3:29 AM

    Record-keeping helps many endeavors, including games. Five days in a row, good going!
    That sounds like a very good book, if it can tell you where you are in a Baby Surprise jacket.
    Sunny in MD and the snow melted off, but cold again tonight.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The Baby Surprise sounds fun indeed. Looking forward to seeing it.
    Hoping this week in Toronto is at least as warm as forecast, with above freezing temperatures every day. We need to get what is possibly the last of the snow melted. Bring on the snowdrops! I think we are two months behind Europe.
    enjoy knitting!
    Lisa RR
